House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd.

House in the mountain is a project designed by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd and is located in Bogotá, Colombia.

House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 01

House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 02 House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 03

House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 04 House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 05 House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 06 House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 07 House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 08 House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 09 House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 10 House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 11 House in the mountain by Conecta Arquitectos Ltd 12

“Given the dramatic landscape canyon of Rio Bogota and as a way to ensure the fluidity and continuity within the same housing, subtly challenge was implanted in the environment, appropriating the space of the barrel; for that a warp of order lines that contrast sharply with the sinuous and organic geometry of the landscape, seeking to create a fusion between the natural and the constructed between solid and liquid, closed open, inside out, filled with empty, transparent opaque is created; so that these attributes were the ingredients that allow and give the tone for the organization and materiality of the house.
This ¨Urdimbre¨ loose planes, porches full, empty frames, enclosures and yards rise; landscape that building spaces with the rigor of the ordering lines of architecture; architecture with green elements that complete the definers of indoor enclosures loose planes. Access as a great transition and distribution space is materialized with the creation of woven wire mesh (air) and espacato walls (Stone), valuing the impact of a canyon view.”
Photo: Santiago Robayo